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Complaints Suggestions
Add: the south side of fish road in dongchung town, nansha district, guangzhou
The choice of thinner for water-based industrial paint: in normal season, water-based industrial paint is used to choose thinner, and tap water can be satisfied. But in a very cold winter. If you use tap water as a diluent, it will directly affect the drying rate of the paint, so you can choose warm water of about 50 degrees
2017-12-11 2333
As you all know, if you want to decorate the car, you need some interior paint to help you finish. There are many kinds of paint in car interior. But the foundations are roughly the same. So, how do car interior paint make up?
2017-12-05 2289
在日常生活中。 水性防腐漆以其水為稀釋劑,由脂肪酸樹脂、顏料、防銹顏料、助劑和去離子水組成,并且組成成分中不含有甲苯、二甲苯,甲醛的有害物質(zhì),被大量用于家庭中的窗戶,墻面表皮,和家中電器等金屬制品上
2017-11-30 2213
2017-11-27 2184
2017-11-23 2185
2017-11-21 2180
2017-11-14 2138
From the point of coatings enterprises, Chinas oil paint market has been in the mature stage, in the production of coating equipment, personnel, construction habits and a series of has stabilized, if you want to use water-based paint, is bound to the above several aspects of the comprehensive improvement
2017-11-13 2804
2017-12-05 2289
2017-11-30 2213
2017-11-27 2184
2017-11-23 2185
2017-11-21 2180
2017-11-14 2138
2017-11-08 2314
2017-11-07 1817
2017-11-06 1795
2017-11-03 1748
2017-10-31 1701
2017-10-27 1917
2017-10-26 1747
2017-10-23 1754
2017-10-18 1706
2017-10-16 2328